• A Catalogue of Catalogue Producers 1980 Forecast
  • A Financial Overload That Could Lead to Brownouts
  • A Visit to a Black Hole
  • Acid Rain: An Increasing Threat
  • Anatomy of the Seas
  • Annual Coal Production Relative to Reserves
  • Automated Transit System Planning Guide: Guideway Structure Concepts
  • Burning More Coal
  • Coitus Topographicus
  • Columbia Flexes Its Arm
  • Columbia Reentry Diagram
  • Compartments in the Development of the Fruit Fly
  • Cornet Rice: Net Sales in CWT
  • Crown of Tenochtitlan
  • Curveball
  • Cutaway View of a Greek Trireme
  • Design for Survival
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery
  • Financial Highlights
  • Heavy Weather
  • Heizer’s Growth Record
  • How to Determine Where Labels Are Placed
  • Inflation, Growth, Unemployment
  • Inflation: Oil Outruns the Pack
  • International Growth
  • Life Insurance Plan Income Protection