• Foster City, California
  • HBF Furniture Series
  • Invitation: Celebration at the Gallery
  • J. Steve Nail
  • Knoll/Designer’s Saturday 1983
  • Maxwell House Messenger
  • Moholy Nagy/Fotoplastik/The Bauhaus Years
  • Organization & Design, The Double Discipline
  • Otis/Parsons, Los Angeles, Parsons, New York
  • Otis/Parsons, Los Angeles, Parsons, New York
  • Otis/Parsons, Los Angeles, Parsons, New York
  • Peterbilt Parts & Accessories
  • Revolution—Revelation
  • Steven Interiors
  • The American Book Awards 1982
  • The Museum of Modern Art, 1983 Calendar
  • The Nude in Modern Photography
  • The Oceanic Society Field Guide to the Gray Whale
  • The Workbook: Directory
  • The Workbook: Portfolio
  • University of Texas Press, Fall and Winter Books, 1983-1984
  • Williamson Printing Company
  • Xerox, 1075 Sales Information Guide