• Pen Pictures of Early Western Pennsylvania
  • Hush, Little Baby
  • Letters from the Sandwich Islands, Written for the Sacramento Union
  • The Inaugural Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • The White Stranger, poems
  • On the Art of Drawing:  An Informal Textbook
  • Wonders of the Human Body
  • Democracy in America
  • The Art of Eating
  • Prentice Mulford’s California Sketches
  • Poems and Drawings
  • Baby Farm Animals
  • Back to Methuselah: A Metabiological Pentateuch, revised edition with a postscript
  • The Marcel Marceau Alphabet Book
  • This Is Living, A View of Nature with Photographs
  • Trustable and Preshus Friends
  • Mythology
  • Eighteenth Century North Carolina Imprints 1749–1800
  • Shakespeare
  • Food for Beauty
  • The Mexican Portfolio
  • The Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln
  • Kintu: A Congo Adventure
  • The Supreme Court of the State of New York, 1691–1941
  • The Long Christmas
  • The California Woodpecker and I, A Study in Comparative Zoölogy
  • Danton, by Hermann Wendel, translated from the German