• Anchor to Windward
  • Paris: Twenty-Eight Drawings by Jean Vigoureux
  • Psychiatry in Medical Education
  • Hill of Little Miracles
  • The Puritan Pronaos, Studies in the Intellectual Life of New England in the Seventeenth Century
  • The Rainbow Mother Goose
  • DANCE: A Creative Art Experience
  • Queen Calafia’s Land, An Historical Sketch of California
  • Rimes de La Mere Oie
  • The House That Jack Built/La Maison Que Jacques A Bâtie: A pictures book in two languages
  • The Compleat Angler, or, the Contemplative Man’s Recreation
  • The Teeny Tiny Woman
  • The Aztecs: People of the Sun
  • And I Must Hurry for The Sea Is Coming in
  • Revolutionary War Journals of Henry Dearborn, 1775–1783
  • Don Juan:  The Life and Death of Don Miguel de Mañara
  • Working With Psychology, 5th Edition
  • Essays, First and Second Series
  • Guillem de Poitou, His Eleven Extant Poems
  • Abel Buell of Connecticut:  Silversmith, Type Found & Engraver
  • The Heritage of America
  • The Pennsylvania Germans
  • California Gold Rush Voyages
  • Japanese Expansion on the Asiatic Continent, A Study in the History of Japan with special reference to her international relations with China, Korea, and Russia
  • America, Land of Freedom
  • Crazy Horse: The Strange Man of the Oglalas, A biography
  • Typee, A Romance of the South Seas