Social Studies | Educating Designers in a Connected World
Social Studies | Educating Designers in a Connected World
Social Studies | Educating Designers in a Connected World
Social Studies | Educating Designers in a Connected World
Social Studies | Educating Designers in a Connected World
Social Studies | Educating Designers in a Connected World

Social Studies | Educating Designers in a Connected World

MICA GD/MFA, Baltimore, Maryland, 2008


For the Social Studies Conference, our site needed to be experimental, yet remain easily navigable and legible. The idea we agreed upon was to make everything columnar and use as many columns (in standard widths) as necessary to fit each page’s assortment of content. The horizontally scrolling end result is minimal, unique and interesting. Heights of the columns are controlled simply by the amount of text or images nested inside them. The rotating background images (different chair groupings around the campus where the conference was held) inspire the ideas of connection and conversation—the themes of the Social Studies Conference. These images are randomly selected from a Flickr photo group we created that changes with each page load, adding to the site’s dynamism. 

Juror Notes

This site is a breath of fresh air—simple and not too fussy. The photography makes it work; the carefully edited images communicate concept in an understated manner. 

Collections: AIGA 365: 30 (2009)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Promotional design and advertising
Format: Promotion, Website