• GAIA Tribe Poster
  • Colour AIGA NY Poster
  • AIGA/Raleigh
  • “Design for the Fun of It”
  • AIGA/Minnesota 1990 Calendar of Events
  • Oklahoma Poster
  • Your Best Shot
  • Invisible, Insane
  • Chicaigao (AIGA in Chicago)
  • Chicaigao (AIGA in Chicago)
  • Scandal/AIGA Texas
  • Paul Rand Poster
  • The AIGA Philadelphia Show: 2
  • Gene Federico
  • Glaser, Light & Likeness
  • AIGA: Environmental Awareness Poster
  • AIGA San Francisco
  • From Self to Shelf
  • En Vino Veritas
  • Minding Your Own Business
  • Gips + Balkind + Associates
  • Poster Art of the Soviet Union
  • AIGA 50 Books/50 Covers of 2009 exhibition and collateral
  • Saul Bass
  • Book Arts Resource Guide
  • The AIGA San Francisco Designers Guidebook
  • AIGA/Seattle 1993 Annual Report