• 26 Tales of Woe: An Alphabet Book
  • The Face of Edgar Allan Poe
  • Carpentry for the Building Trades
  • Thomas James Cobden-Sanderson
  • Oratio de Hominis Dignitate (Oration on the Dignity of Man)
  • Paintings, Drawings, and Prints by Paul Klee
  • The Romance of Tristan and Iseult
  • Alfred Stieglitz: Photographer
  • The Final War of Olly Winter
  • Freedom and Discipline in English, Report by the Commission on English
  • Tri-Arts Press 1953 Calendar
  • Raoul Dufy
  • The Horizon Book of Ancient Greece
  • Peter the Venerable and Islam
  • John Žižka and the Hussite Revolution
  • Mexican Manuscript Painting
  • The Incas of Pedro de Cieza de Léon
  • The Italian Madrigal
  • Mime:  The Art of Etienne Decroux
  • The Life Records of John Milton, Volume I, 1608-1639
  • The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More
  • Gauchos of the Pampas and Their Horses
  • Selected Fables
  • The Comanches , Lords of the South Plains
  • The Index of American Design
  • The Illustrations from the Works of Andreas Vesalius of Brussels
  • Festum Praesentationis:  A Fourteenth Century Prompt Book