• “Andrew Geller sets off fiery footwork with Diamante calf”
  • "Why we blow the ram's horn..."
  • “Leap Year”
  • The Hay Agency
  • Typographic Craftsman, Christmas card
  • “Eastern Advertising at Western Prices”
  • Show your Face
  • “Credit is a sales tool”
  • "Vacation in a world where there are no locks..."
  • "A new vacation where the dollar isn't all mighty,..."
  • American Craft Museum Bricks
  • “How the human mind can expand…”
  • Carnival of the Eye, magazine insert in Russian
  • “Jet Take-off"
  • “An Image Emerges”
  • "Closing the Loop"
  • The Renault for people who swore they would never buy another one.
  • Puffin Books, 1981
  • Program Visualization Workstation (Video Disc and Screen Displays)
  • The Trial of 6 Designers, book
  • Graphic Arts U.S.A., exhibition portfolio in Russian
  • “If this four-year-old can speak fluent Spanish, why can’t you?”
  • J.J. Hopkins, Christmas card
  • "This Annual Report Is Trash"
  • Graphic Arts U.S.A. poster in Russian
  • The Greatest Paper Show On Earth folder
  • The Governor's Select Committee on the Impact of Drugs