The Voice of the Homeless
The Voice of the Homeless
The Voice of the Homeless
The Voice of the Homeless
The Voice of the Homeless

The Voice of the Homeless

BJ Krivanek, Chicago, Illinois, 1995


To alleviate the invisibility of the homeless, we aspired to collect and express feelings about societal judgments and the labels imposed on them. Their collective words—in a continuous spectrum from positive to negative—form an encircling frieze of inscriptions in the rotunda. Facing outward toward a corporate skyline of banks, an interactive electronic information system empowers the homeless to exercise a public voice via mastery of computer technology—as individuals and as a socio-economic community—in response to the judgments of society. It is important to confront the overwhelming commercial dominance of the urban landscape by establishing communications infrastructures for the authentic voices of urban communities.

Collections: Communication Graphics: 17 (1996)
Discipline: Environmental graphic design
Format: Exhibit, Graphical interface, Information graphic, Type design, Artifact


Design firm
BJ Krivanek
Art director
BJ Krivanek
Environmental designer
Joel Breaux
Jeff Kurt Petersen
Technical assistant
Martha Najera
The Residents of the Union Rescue Mission
BJ Krivanek Art & Design
Peter Carlsen Enterprises
The Union Rescue Mission