• The Killing Machine
  • The Public Happiness
  • Pallas Athene
  • Goat
  • Your Career in Bell Telephone Laboratories
  • Notebooks 1935–1942
  • Jonathan R. Bell
  • “IMFERON, Infants with Severe Iron Deficiency…”
  • "Chameleon Man"
  • Things we Dreamt We Died For
  • Southwestern Bell Corporation 1990
  • Left Hand, Right Hand!
  • "Flying"
  • Selected Poems:  Stephen Spender
  • William Caxton and His Critics
  • The Darling Daisy Affair
  • Small Business Network
  • “Rent” Souvenir Book
  • Walt Disney World
  • William Bell, letterhead
  • 1775: Another Part of the Field
  • Organization & Design, The Double Discipline
  • Portrait of a Symphony
  • Province of Ontario Council for the Arts 4th Annual Report
  • The Demons
  • The Bell Company—Miron Mills, Inc., 1950 Annual Report
  • Georgia O’Keefe