• Robbins Book Shop, stationery
  • Elvis
  • Jelly Roll Morton
  • James Joyce
  • William Buckley
  • Andrei Sakharov
  • Big Bob
  • Knight's Landing book jacket
  • The Devil in Massachusetts, paperback cover
  • Bouquets for Books
  • Lenin
  • Aerodynamics
  • As I Saw the U.S.A.
  • The Golden Notebook
  • Monsieur Teste
  • The Siege of Leningrad
  • Slums and Suburbs
  • Twisted Tales From Shakespeare
  • Structural Engineering for Architects
  • Shadow Play
  • Porter Garnett, Philosophical Writings on the Ideal Book
  • The World of Geology, paperback book cover
  • “Open wide & say ahhhh!”
  • “P”
  • The Police Gazette
  • Time Flies
  • Ceramics, book cover