• A Tale of Two Cities
  • A Presentation from CBS Television Spot Sales Masthead
  • CBS Television Film Production Operations
  • Who’s Who in Boston
  • “Bumblebee”
  • “Best Weekends…”
  • Diary 1957
  • Blue Conventions
  • The Bullfight: A Photographic Narrative
  • Advertising Age Reprint
  • Odyssey
  • 1967 Television Notebook
  • About Tobacco
  • The Customers’ Choice…
  • Capital Types
  • The Final War of Olly Winter
  • The Triple Crown, promotion kit
  • CBS Television network 1978 Fourteen Month Sports Planning Diary
  • Can You Match These?
  • CBS Television and Radio Receivers (catalog)
  • Our Mr. Sun, promotion kit
  • The Long and Short of It