• Levi’s “Make Room” Campaign Posters
  • Paul Rand, exhibition
  • Happy Holiday Greeting to one and all
  • Playground, letterhead
  • “Brotherhood” exhibition
  • All About Old Buildings
  • Ned and Ed and the Lion
  • Levi’s “Real Good Jeans” Posters
  • “No Pain—No Memory—No Nightmare of Fear”
  • Minnesota Zoo BUGS! Supers Television Spot
  • Original Levi’s Store—Seattle Launch Poster
  • Judith Austin Essex, Sculptor of Fibre
  • Grafik Communications, Ltd., stationery
  • Orbiting the Giant Hairball
  • General Chemistry
  • High on a Hill: A Book of Chinese Riddles
  • An Exhibition of Cubism
  • Scope (Summer 1955)
  • Oriental Eclogues
  • The Riviera Country Club
  • The Designs and Drawings of Antonio Gaudi
  • Glucalcé al 10%
  • Illustration, Fall 1951
  • Baltimore: When She Was What She Used To Be
  • Masterpieces of Sculpture from the National Gallery of Art
  • Facts You Should Know About Beck Gravure
  • Aaron Siskind Photographs