• Testors Plastic Model Kids 1979
  • “Crazy mixed-up fruit”
  • Don't Burn Your Flag—Wash It!, poster
  • “If hand made whiskey tastes better…”
  • "In a 45 mph crash..."
  • "Who's downstairs ringing your bell?"
  • Papert, Koenig, Lois, Inc. Annual Report
  • Would You Believe It? promotion leaf
  • If you have a piece of salami...
  • “Renault runs rings inside other cars”
  • “Some women should never wear slacks”
  • “Allergic Itch”
  • Zographos, catalog
  • “A Conoco resin helped a customer…”
  • Duke Ellington on the Hammond Piper.
  • "She just paid $14.95..."
  • "I used to think an inexpensive dress..."
  • "Make America a better place."
  • Let's tear down Central Park...
  • Restaurant Associates, Inc. Annual Report
  • “Break the smoking habit—eat Dilly Beans”
  • Print Magazine
  • “Ankle-it is”
  • "And Tweed, the perfume of the 40's,..."
  • Some Italians came to California and made wine.
  • “Andrew Geller sets off fiery footwork with Diamante calf”
  • "Introducing the first saltwater wash-and wear shirt."