• John Marin, Watercolors, Oil Paintings, Etchings
  • Don Quixote de la Mancha, Adapted from the Motteux translation of the text of Miguel de Cervantes by Leighton Barret and illustrated with drawings by Warren Chappell
  • Up the Golden Stair
  • New Aspects of John and William Hunter
  • Baby Farm Animals
  • Printing For Theater
  • Tenggren’s Story Book
  • The Palaces of Crete
  • By a Vote of Congress
  • A Short History of Medieval Philosophy
  • Letters to and from Madame du Deffand and Julie de Lespinasse
  • Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang
  • The Rittenhouse Orrery
  • The Life Records of John Milton, Volume I, 1608-1639
  • Fathers to Sons:  Advice Without Consent
  • Suffering and Evil in the Plays of Christopher Marlowe
  • The British Post Office, A history
  • Hell for Leather! The Epwell Hunt, The Melton Hunt
  • Schoolmaster Whackwell’s Wonderful Sons
  • Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas & Yucatan
  • “Can You Spot the Yellow-Breasted Schweppes?”
  • The Preface to Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1755
  • The Interlude of Cervantes
  • Two That Were Tough
  • And There Was America
  • In the Beginning
  • Ball Bearing Maintenance