• Knoll Price Lists: Reff System 6 1992
  • New York Philharmonic Phone Festival, 1978
  • A Report to the Nation: National Youth Conference on Natural Beauty and Conservation brochure
  • Norlin Annual Report for 1980
  • Union Pacific Corporation
  • Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years
  • The Knoll Group Identity Guidelines
  • American Bicentennial Theater, poster
  • Brownjohn, Chermayeff & Geismar, stationery group
  • The American Museum of Natural History
  • 50 Years, The Museum of Modern Art
  • Precision, Inc. Components for the Aluminum Smelter Industry
  • Saint Louis Children's Museum, Lion (Drinking Fountain)
  • American Museum of Natural History
  • A Nation of Nations, poster
  • Hechinger Co. Annual Report Year Ended January 31, 1981
  • Ivan Chermayeff Collages 1982–1995, Corcoran Museum of Art
  • Knoll Price Lists
  • Minneapolis College of Art and Design 1987/88
  • The Mead Library of Ideas 23rd Annual International Annual Report Competition
  • Interactive Table for the Star-Spangled Banner Permanent Exhibition
  • Report to the President White House Conference on Children
  • Annual Report 1971
  • Annual Report 1970
  • Annual Report 1970
  • Son of Prang, calendar
  • Annual Report 1969