• The Confederate Privateers
  • The Heart’s Journey
  • My First Geography of the Pacific
  • The Appreciation of Art
  • An Invocation
  • Zadig: An Oriental History
  • History of the Byzantine Empire
  • Great American Paintings
  • Pierson College 1933–1943
  • Canterbury Tales
  • Old Virginia in Block Prints
  • The Dogma of Evolution
  • What Laughing God?
  • "In Modern Dress," A one-act play
  • A History of Russia
  • Leaven for Loaves: Poems
  • The Book of the Machine
  • The Book of Books: The King James Version
  • Speaking at Seventy
  • Mozart
  • John Irby’s Passing Creates a Void
  • Carl Van Vechten: A Bibliography
  • Layout in Advertising
  • Trackless Winds
  • Collected Poems of Elinor Wylie
  • From an Old House
  • The Form of Consecrations of St. George’s Chapel