• Journal, 1803
  • Jesus and the Pharisees: A Study in Christian Tradition
  • California Drop Cloth Co.
  • The Bowker Lectures on Book Publishing—First Series
  • Beau Brummel
  • American Sampler. A Selection of New Poetry
  • The Invention of Printing in China
  • A Sentimental Journey through France & Italy
  • An Industrious Art: Innovation in Pattern and Print at the Fabric Workshop
  • Symmetry
  • About Lyddy Thomas
  • A Gil Blas in California
  • Quatrains for My Daughter
  • Books and Bidders: The Adventures of a Bibliophile
  • The End of the Wild
  • A Riband on My Rein: Poems
  • Zadig
  • The Memorial Quadrangle: A Book about Yale
  • Masterpieces of Painting from the National Gallery of Art
  • A Mouse’s Tale
  • Pavel Tchelitchew Drawings
  • Songs and Poems Written by Robert Burns
  • The Wooden Pillow
  • In the Imperial Shadow
  • Memorial and Proposals of Señor Don José Martin on the Californias, Mexico, 1822
  • South American Journals, 1858–1859
  • Folk Songs of French Canada