• A Mouse’s Tale
  • Pavel Tchelitchew Drawings
  • Songs and Poems Written by Robert Burns
  • The Wooden Pillow
  • In the Imperial Shadow
  • Memorial and Proposals of Señor Don José Martin on the Californias, Mexico, 1822
  • South American Journals, 1858–1859
  • Folk Songs of French Canada
  • Art in the Early Church
  • Inhale and Exhale
  • Wines, for those who have forgotten and those who want to know
  • Steichen the Photographer
  • François Villon: A Documented Survey
  • The Boy Who Was
  • Benjamin Franklin’s Proposals for the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania
  • Mathematical Biophysics
  • The Perfect Ship and How We Built Her
  • One Hundred Years of American Psychiatry 1844–1944
  • Morris Louis 1912–1962
  • Thirteen Colonial Americana
  • Monsieur Teste
  • The 26 Letters
  • The Pharisees and Other Essays
  • The Grand National 1839–1930
  • The Sculpture and Sculptors of the Greeks
  • The Complete book of Cheese
  • The Ego and the Centaur