• Development of the Metal Castings Industry
  • All the Year ’Round, A Day Book
  • Nursery Rhymes of New York City (with additions)
  • Now That the Gods Are Dead
  • A Bibliography of the Writings of Henry James
  • A Note on the Discovery of a New Page of Poetry, in William Blake’s Milton
  • Tuesdays at Ten: A Recalling of Old Hours for Pennsylvania Men—Concrete Illustrations, Tangents, Asides
  • Elena’s Fiesta Recipes
  • Educational Wastelands
  • Legends & People
  • Spindletop
  • American Jazz Music
  • The Duchess of Portland’s Museum
  • Animal Treasure
  • Picturesque Word Origins, with Forty-Five Illustrative Drawings
  • The Spy; A Tale of the Neutral Ground
  • South County Studies of Some Eighteenth Century Persons, Places & Conditions in the Portion of Rhode Island Called Narragansett
  • Advertising Production Methods: Processes, Methods, and Materials with Practical Suggestions for Their Use
  • Random House Encyclopedia
  • Gaston Lachaise: Sixteen Reproductions in Collotype of the Sculptor’s Work
  • A Dissertation upon English Typographical Founders and Founderies
  • Travelers’ Guide Across the Plains Upon the Overland Route to California
  • European Master Drawings in the United States
  • Composing Sticks and Mortar Boards
  • Barefoot and the Friendly Road
  • Notes by Lady Louisa Stuart on George Selwyn and His Contemporaries
  • Sonnets from the Portuguese