• The Little Ark
  • Art, Form, and Civilization
  • Calligraphy’s Flowering, Decay, & Restauration, with hints for its wider use today
  • The Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln
  • Notes on the Care & Cataloguing of Old Maps
  • Sailing and Small Craft Down the Ages
  • Princess September and the Nightingale
  • The Geese Fly High
  • Norwegian Emigrant Songs and Ballads
  • The Coverdale Psalter, and the Quatrocentenary of the Printed English Bible, with a facsimile reproduction of the Psalter
  • British Poetry and Prose, Revised Edition
  • On Modern Gardening: An Essay by Horace Walpole
  • Mason Locke Weems: His Works and Ways in Three Volumes, A Bibliography Left Unfinished by Paul Leicester Ford
  • Wendell Lewis Willkie: Occasional Addresses and Articles
  • The Supreme Court of the State of New York, 1691–1941
  • Davy Crockett, American Comic Legend
  • A Guide to an Exhibition of the Arts of the Book
  • The Violet (Das Veilchen), The history of a song
  • The World Must Federate! Isolation versus Cooperation
  • The Long Christmas
  • Tony and Toinette in the Tropics
  • The Search for the Northwest Passage
  • John Adams’s Book, Being notes on a Record of the Births, Marriages and Deaths of Three Generations of the Adams Family 1734–1807
  • The California Woodpecker and I, A Study in Comparative Zoölogy
  • The Miracle of Growth
  • Papermaking: The History and Technique of an Ancient Craft, Second edition, revised and enlarged
  • Maya Explorer: John Lloyd Stephens and the lost cities of Central America and Yucatan