• Quack, Quack, Quack book
  • Insects: The yearbook of agriculture
  • The Heritage of America
  • The Twelve Moneths and Christmas Day, From ‘Fantastickes’
  • Chariton’s Chaereas and Callirhoe, Translated from the Greek by Warren E. Blake, Associate Professor of Greek, University of Michigan
  • Ke Anuenue
  • Concord River, Selections from the Journals of William Brewster
  • The Flowering of New England
  • A Picture of America: The Photostory of America—As It Is—And As It Might Be Told by The News Camera
  • The Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer
  • A Girl Who Would Be Queen, The Story and the Diary of the Young Countess Krasinska
  • Master Peter Patelan
  • I Am My Brother
  • The Sacred Pipe: Black Elk’s Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux
  • Omai, First Polynesian Ambassador to England: The True Story of his Voyage there in 1774 with Captain Cook
  • An American in Paris, People of an Interlude between two Wars
  • The Continental Tales of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • Tobacco is American: The Story of Tobacco before the Coming of the White Man (Arents Tobacco Collection\, Publication No. 2)
  • The Journal of Eugene Delacroix
  • Fashions in American Typography 1780 to 1930, With brief illustrated stories of the life and environment of the American people in seven periods and demonstrations of E.G.G.’s Fresh Note Typography
  • The Bashford Dean Collection of Arms and Armor in The Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Package Design: The Force of Visual Selling
  • Wild Flowers of Western Pennsylvania and the Upper Ohio Basin
  • A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor, in all countries and in all times, together with some closely related subjects
  • Audubon’s America: The Narrative and Experiences of John James Audubon
  • A Columbia College Student in the Eighteenth Century
  • The Anatomy of Lettering