• Never Done
  • Alfredo Viazzi’s Italian Cooking
  • “Monitor”
  • Botero Sculpture
  • Caribbean Canvas
  • Oriental Grass Weaves
  • Pacific: An Undersea Journey
  • Half Moon Street
  • Where She Danced
  • McClane’s North American Fish Cookery
  • On Home Ground
  • Cats chase Birds…
  • The Book of Adam to Moses
  • Man's Fate
  • The Museum of Modern Art, 1983 Calendar
  • Misia
  • “The Naked Eye”
  • “Edge of the City”
  • Catalogue of the Hans Syz Collection
  • The Bridge
  • This man can kill a sale
  • The Collected Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer
  • A-V Instruction: Materials & Methods
  • The New Drake Impressions
  • Circus
  • James Joyce in Padua
  • Romeo and Juliet