• Pangea Organics packaging
  • I Feel Bad About My Neck
  • Art, Biology and Conservation
  • Black and White
  • E*TRADE Group, Inc. 1999 Annual Report
  • Novellus Angstromania 2 Invitation Materials
  • Central de Arquitectura
  • Design Poverty
  • Impossible Modernism
  • 2007 University of California Regents’ Lecturer: Nicholas Negroponte
  • Dispatches and Directions: On Artist-Run Organizations in Los Angeles
  • Artifacts of Flight
  • Sheep Hill Community Tree
  • Nike Presto 04: Urban Canvas campaign
  • Materials for Design
  • Law/Life: A Guide to Georgetown Law/A Look at Life in Washington, DC
  • LouisBoston packaging
  • The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
  • 10 x 10
  • Six Feet Under: Better Living Through Death
  • The Fall of Rome