• Travelers’ Guide Across the Plains Upon the Overland Route to California
  • A Trip to the Gold Mines of California in 1848
  • Crockett’s Victory Garden
  • The Heart of the Flute
  • The McGraw-Hill Author’s Book
  • The New Colophon, A book collector’s quarterly
  • Lectures in Criticism, The Johns Hopkins University
  • Native Arts of the Pacific Northwest, From the Rasmussen Collection of the Portland Art Museum
  • Arm in Arm
  • The Art and Thought of Michelangelo
  • The Place No One Knew:  Glen Canyon on the Colorado
  • To Russia With Frost
  • Sonnets from the Portuguese
  • Millery SY—Single-Color
  • An Inland Voyage
  • The Decapitated Chicken
  • Hollywood Babylon
  • Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas & Yucatan
  • The Cats of Africa
  • Pictorial Anatomy of the Cat
  • Recollections of Charley Russell
  • The Papers of James Madison Vol. I
  • Streetcar Suburbs: The Process of Growth in Boston, 1870–1900
  • Cherokee Dance and Drama
  • Film and Its Techniques
  • Muleback to the Convention: Letters of J. Ross Browne
  • Wings in the Wilderness