• Survival Through Design
  • Ragtime (Special Edition)
  • Life Makes Advances
  • Psalms of David
  • Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) in World War II
  • The Portable Rabelais
  • Three Day Pass
  • The Grapes of Wrath
  • California’s Best Wines
  • America is West, An Anthology of Middlewestern Life and Literature
  • Skyways
  • A Battle in Greece
  • Island of Bali, With an Album of Photographs
  • Roller Skates
  • The Last of the Incas
  • The Illustrations from the Works of Andreas Vesalius of Brussels
  • Hippolytos
  • The Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln
  • The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association
  • The Long Christmas
  • There’s No Place Like Paris!
  • New Letters of Berlioz, 1830–1868
  • The Scribner Anthology for Young People
  • On our Way, Young pages from American autobiography
  • Hill of Little Miracles
  • Discovering the American Stork
  • Cupid’s Horn Book, Songs and Ballads of Marriage and Cuckoldry