• “IMFERON, Infants with Severe Iron Deficiency…”
  • Venit! Vidit! Vicit!
  • Tagged for Success
  • Presidential Preview, kit
  • M Squad
  • “A Man You Can Lean On That’s Klopman!”
  • Graphics Standards Manual/City Taxi Project
  • Suspicion, folder
  • Pharmascan: Poisons from the Sea
  • Diafen Oversize Post Cards
  • “From Bold Research…Prudent Selection…Scrupulous Testing…Come Products That Matter”
  • Best Wishes for a Bright New Year
  • Treatment of Burns (2 page spread in House Magazine)
  • Road Signs to Sales
  • L.W. Frohlich & Co., Inc., Christmas card
  • News from NBC (Christmas)
  • See Paris in August
  • Senokot
  • “…rough trip?”
  • A Broad-Spectrum Picture Story
  • The Controversial Car
  • Richard III
  • Scope (Fall, 1955)
  • She’s Magic
  • A Home Made Reindeer
  • The Jaguar’s Children:  Pre-Classic Central Mexico
  • “The House Which This Family Is Building…”