• Ralph Walker—Architect
  • Master Peter Patelan
  • America, Land of Freedom
  • Charles Olson in Connecticut: Last Lectures
  • An Index to English, A Handbook of Current Usage and Style by Porter G. Perrin of Colgate University
  • Flora Exotica
  • The Victorian Visitors: An Account of the Hawaiian Kingdom, 1861–1866…
  • Gentlefolk in the Making, Studies in the History of English Courtesy Literature and Related Topics from 1531 to 1774
  • Contemporary American Artists (Series of Nine Catalogues: Milton Avery, Jose de Creeft, Lee Gatch, Mauricio Lasansky, Carl Morris, Walter Quirt, Abraham Rattner, Hugo Robus, Karl Schrag)
  • The Language of Passion
  • Dugong, Manatee, Sea Cow
  • Civilization Past and Present, A Survey of the history of man … from the earliest times to the present, in Europe, in Asia, and in the Americas
  • A Venetian Affair
  • Lost Recipes
  • Each Wild Idea
  • Six Feet Under: Better Living Through Death
  • A Contemporary Cabinet of Curiosities