• The Beaux Arts Quartet
  • Matthew’s Dream
  • “The Long and Short of It”
  • “Who’s the Wise Guy”
  • 3PO (Three Penny Opera)
  • Air Mail, envelope
  • “P6M”
  • The Kentucky Derby, special envelope
  • “Are You a Man Without a Store?”
  • Victory at Sea
  • Ambar—he needn’t blow his top
  • Waterfront
  • Amahl
  • Crysticillin Fortified Duomatic
  • 8 Automobiles, flyer and catalog
  • Aquatennial Civic Membership Package
  • Everett Kroeger—Photography
  • Prattonia ‘65
  • M Squad
  • Corporate Life Insurance Plan
  • Christmas greetings
  • “Yes, indeed…you certainly…”
  • You don’t know what you’re missing!
  • Mademoiselle’s Calendar for 1956
  • The Little Things
  • Julliard 1952–53 Ext. Div., catalogue
  • Retail Buyers Have Preferences Too