Patti Katcha business card

Patti Katcha business card

Jennifer Katcha, Jersey City, New Jersey, 2001


Patti Katcha, my mother, had retired and decided to work part-time as a seamstress out of her home. Her client base would be friends, family and a small amount of word-of-mouth business. Patti wanted a special business card that clients would keep. She did not want to spend a lot of money on the project.

Four hundred cards were letter-pressed dark brown onto various pieces of colored sample cardstock. I hand-glued vintage sewing patterns onto the backs and the cards were diecut, giving each back a unique design. As a final detail, each card was sewn across the middle with a simple zig-zag stitch.

Juror Notes

“There’s a certain integrity, honesty and sincerity in the message. You get it visually and emotionally.”

Collections: AIGA 365: 23 (2002)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Brand and identity systems design
Format: Business card


Design firm
Jennifer Katcha
Jennifer Katcha
Filosofia, found type
Mike Sheahen, Firecast Letterpress
Assorted sample cardstock
Patti Katcha