• Water: H2O = Life
  • Packaging White Book
  • Yoko Ono “Yes” television ads
  • Byzantium vol. 11
  • George School Viewbook
  • USC Curriculum Planner
  • The North Face Fall 2002 workbook
  • MoMA Builds—Capital Campaign
  • AptarGroup 2001 annual report
  • Highbrow, Lowbrow, Brilliant, Despicable: 50 Years of New York
  • Hotel 71 brand strategy
  • El Capitán
  • InformationArt business card
  • Suspects, Smokers, soldiers and salesladies: Collages by Ivan Chermayeff
  • “Voice: AIGA National Design Conference” registration brochure
  • Cambridge Absence Management Services brochure
  • Understanding Children: The Guidebook for Children 0 – 3
  • Lo Nunca Visto: de la pintura informalista al fotolibro de postguerra (1945–1965) / The Unseen: from Informalist Painting to the Postwar Photobook (1945–1965)
  • Yes: Yoko Ono
  • “Le Corbusier at Princeton: 14–16 November 1935” exhibition
  • Our Best Selves: The Campaign for Loomis Chaffee booklets
  • The House of Bernarda Alba poster