• Fragonard Drawings for Ariosto, Essays
  • The Odyssey of Homer
  • Selected Writings of Thomas De Quincy
  • African Folktales & Sculpture
  • Makers of Opera
  • Poems of Alcman, Sappho, Ibycus
  • Missionaries, Chinese, and Diplomats: The American Protestant Missionary Movement in China, 1890–1952
  • The Papers of Thomas Jefferson. Volume I. 1760–1776
  • Mathematics and the Imagination
  • Tales out of the East
  • Maps of Connecticut, Before the Year 1800
  • Wordsworth. Centenary Studies Presented at Cornell and Princeton Universities
  • Maps of Connecticut for the Years of Industrial Revolution
  • Two Thousand Years of Textiles
  • The Illustrations from the Works of Andreas Vesalius of Brussels
  • The Sleeping Gypsy and Other Poems
  • Whistle-stopping with Adlai
  • William Bulmer and The Shakespeare Press, A biography of William Bulmer
  • Notes on the Care & Cataloguing of Old Maps
  • The Tremolino
  • The Supreme Court of the State of New York, 1691–1941
  • Davy Crockett, American Comic Legend
  • Almost a Minister: A Romance of the Oregon Hop-Yards
  • Darwin, Wallace, and the Theory of Natural Selection
  • Ten Japanese Paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
  • This Sudden Empire California
  • A Witness Tree