• Men Behind NTA Series
  • “General Agreement”
  • “What Traffic”
  • Critical Mass
  • Futurism
  • Themes & Variations
  • Outside Over There
  • The Art of Writing
  • I Want My Maypo, packaging
  • "Waterless"
  • Herman Miller, brochures and slipcase
  • “Renault runs rings inside other cars”
  • “Send for your free Eagle shirtkerchief”
  • “Some women should never wear slacks”
  • Museum Appointment, calendar
  • Mr. Friend Had An Idea
  • Men into Space, presentation cover
  • “Operational”
  • “Allergic Itch”
  • The Lonely
  • All Occasions
  • New York State Bar Center, brochure
  • Get Them While It's Hot, poster
  • The most mistrusted man in America.
  • Papert, Koenig, Lois, Inc. Annual Report 1964
  • IBRD
  • Champion Felt