• The Violet (Das Veilchen), The history of a song
  • Music in Our Time, Trends in Music Since the Romantic Era
  • The Birds of America
  • Ten Japanese Paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
  • Amish Moving Day
  • The Sculpture of Picasso
  • Sticks Across the Chimney, A Story of Denmark
  • Psychiatry in Medical Education
  • Sinfi and the Little Gypsy Goat
  • The Complete Works of O. Henry
  • Japanese Prints by Harunobu & Shunsho, in the Collection of Louis V. Ledoux
  • Nevada Mining Laws, the text of the local laws and regulations enacted by four local mining districts in Nevada, 1863
  • The Short Stories of Henry James
  • Goethe’s Works, with the exception of Faust: A Catalogue
  • Bibliography of the Writings of Edgar A. Poe
  • The Aztecs: People of the Sun
  • A Scotch Paisano, Hugo Reid’s Life in California, 1832–1852, Derived from His Correspondence
  • Renoir Drawings
  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream
  • The Heritage of America
  • Delaware, A Guide to the First State
  • …And Be Merry!
  • The Journal of Eugene Delacroix
  • Caught: The Art of Photography in the German Democratic Republic
  • The Sermons of John Donne: Volume VI
  • Law, A Century of Progress, 1835–1935, Contributions in celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the School of Law of New York University
  • A Bibliography of Oliver Wendell Holmes