• The American Heritage Cookbook
  • MetLife: Making Sense of It All The Metropolitan Life 1995 Annual Report
  • Martha Stewart Everyday Paint Colors
  • GVO Brochure Series
  • The Police Gazette
  • Manuale Zaphicum
  • Melbert B. Cary, Jr., and the Press of the Woolly Whale book
  • AIGA New York Announcement System postcards
  • AIGA Communication Graphics and Print Ads of the Year 1973–1974
  • 1973–1974 AIGA Promotion Award Certificate
  • The World from Here: Treasures of the Great Libraries in Los Angeles
  • BOLD: Alternative Scenarios for Chicago
  • U&lc Magazine (cover), March 1982
  • 1973–1974 AIGA Mail Promotion Card