• Esprit Fall and Summer Mail Order Catalogues
  • Color, catalog
  • Flowers & April MCMLXXXI
  • Rodchenko
  • Magazine USA AIGA 1965
  • Paperbacks U.S.A., announcement folder
  • Type Faces Volume I, catalogue
  • Barneys New York
  • The Fifty Books 1961, catalogue
  • The Tragedy of King Lear, presentation book
  • AIGA Packaging Call 1965
  • William Shakespeare- His Sonnets book
  • Design and Printing for Commerce, catalogue
  • American Illustration 8
  • AIGA 1969 Learning Materials Show, call for entries
  • Neurex Corporation 1993 Annual Report
  • Weber Gift Box
  • Piat Gift Box
  • American Illustration 8
  • Packaging: 76, Call for Entries
  • SKALD/Winter-1985
  • Tom Vack Book
  • AIGA Book Clinic 1974/1975, program poster
  • AIGA Communication Graphics 1968, call and stationery
  • Oracle Corporation
  • AIGA 50 Ads/50 TV Commercials 1971, Certificates of Excellence
  • “You and Xerox”