• Hadyn Music for Soprano and Orchestra
  • Crafton, stationery, business card, label
  • Bonding Sandwich, booklet
  • Christmas Card—House Design
  • Res Ipsa Loquitur
  • One Writer's Beginnings
  • Luke Swank
  • In Solitary Witness, book jacket
  • Trade News
  • Earthfire
  • NBC Baseball 1981
  • Program Promotion, Christmas card
  • Merry Christmas
  • Christmas Card—Bird Cage Design
  • Neurex Corporation 1993 Annual Report
  • Esprit
  • Simpson Filare Samples Pad
  • Richmond Marina
  • Vanishing Breed
  • Scream Music Mailer
  • Sleeping With Soldiers
  • Gag 5, 5th Graphic Artists Guild Show, poster, invitation and ticket
  • Weber Gift Box
  • Piat Gift Box
  • Transport—next half century
  • Voyager 2 at Uranus 1986
  • Album Cover:  Idomeneo