• Identity, Walker Without Walls
  • Technologies of Tenderness, Susan Shantz
  • IBM ThinkPad TransNote-Getting Started guide
  • CD/DVD series, W+K Tokyo lab
  • Tantric: Tantric
  • AIGA 50 Books/50 Covers of 2003 exhibition
  • Security Breach and Partly Cloudy posters
  • Sólo los Personajes Cambian
  • Bottle, SKYY 90 vodka
  • Help! T-Shirt
  • Identifying Courage, The Stories of Alabama Veterans
  • Program book, Hip Hop Honors
  • Six Feet Under: Better Living Through Death
  • CD, Seven Steps: The Complete Columbia Recordings of Miles Davis 1963 - 1964
  • “Remains of the Day” cover
  • Inner Navigation: Why We Get lost and How We Find Our Way
  • NCAA identity system
  • BEople magazine
  • L’Abbaye brochure
  • XOMA 2001 annual report
  • Some Clearly Focused Thoughts and Films by Dana Arnett poster
  • The Boston Consulting Group recruitment poster
  • GTF-Bits World
  • Mazda LED wall/zoom media
  • Genuine Value: The John Deere Journey
  • MICA viewbook
  • The Verificationist