• Deftones: White Pony
  • Fish Eyes
  • The New Soldier
  • Technics and Architecture
  • Milton Avery
  • Right On!
  • Laughter
  • QCP-800 Brochure
  • Who Am I?
  • Chuck Klosterman IV
  • Freight Train
  • Tafex: marketing brochure
  • Have Wrench/Will Monkey
  • Plain and Normal
  • Swiss Center Restaurants menus
  • My Journey My Prayer
  • The Techniques of Springboard Diving
  • New York Self Help Handbook
  • Malcolm X Speaks Out
  • Important Design: The Life of Piero Fornasetti
  • ’68
  • Naked Economics cover
  • Chair, The Current State of the Art
  • Anthropological: The Biocultural View
  • Champion Printing Salesman’s Herald “In” edition
  • The Fate of the Nation State
  • American Bureau of Shipping Capabilities