• A Cloisters Bestiary
  • Robert Kaufmann
  • Meet Mr. Lincoln
  • The Literary Memoranda of William Hickling Prescott
  • American Sampler. A Selection of New Poetry
  • This I Saw; The Life and Times of Goya
  • About Lyddy Thomas
  • The Golden Peaches of Samarkand
  • A Mouse’s Tale
  • Aaron Siskind Photographs
  • Monsieur Teste
  • The Beggar and Other Stories
  • The Story of Wine in California
  • The Ego and the Centaur
  • Shelley’s Major Poetry, The fabric of a vision
  • Inch by Inch
  • Great Wolf and the Good Woodsman
  • The American Rhodes Scholarships, a Review of the First Forty Years
  • Ceremonial Costumes of the Pueblo Indians, their Evolution, Fabrication, and Significance in the Prayer Drama
  • Birds
  • Harvard College Class of 1926: The Decentennial Report
  • The Cloisters
  • The Position of America and Other Essays
  • The British Post Office, A history
  • Our Lord Don Quixote (Bollingen Series LXXXV Vol. 3)
  • Owl
  • Nino