• Contemporary Economics
  • The Demons
  • P.S./The Quarterly Journal of The Poster Society
  • 1958 General Dynamics Annual Report
  • “The secret you can taste…”
  • The Nutcracker
  • Selected Products—Sharp & Dohme
  • Art in European Architecture
  • The Paper Dragon
  • The Devils Who Learned To Be Good
  • MacArthur Park
  • The Afternoon in Dismay
  • Sindbad the Sailor
  • Modern Art U.S.A.
  • The Hurt That Does Not Show
  • Years of Crisis, Where We Stand
  • The Gentlemen’s Alphabet Book
  • Paintings in the White House
  • Freud: The Man and His Mind
  • Parsons School of Design
  • The Archetypal World of Henry Moore
  • Kaeppeli, dinner menu and program
  • The Horizon Book of Ancient Greece
  • “Listening in Depth”
  • Go Bass or Go Barefoot
  • The Lamp—September 1952
  • The House That Jack Built/La Maison Que Jacques A Bâtie: A pictures book in two languages