• The Biggest Bear
  • The Marble Fountain
  • Oars, Sails and Steam, A picture book of ships
  • Of Courage Undaunted. Across the Continent with Lewis and Clark
  • On our Way, Young pages from American autobiography
  • In Sicily
  • American Sampler. A Selection of New Poetry
  • The Lost Sea
  • The Runaway Elephant
  • The Pony That Ran Away
  • Bibliography in an Age of Science
  • Wagon Roads West, A study of Federal road surveys and construction in the Trans-Mississippi West, 1846–1869
  • Design for Point of Sale
  • The Miracle of Growth
  • The Green and the Red: Sean O’Casey…The Man and his Plays
  • The Treasure Trove of the Sun
  • 45 Contemporary Mexican Artists: A Twentieth-Century Renaissance
  • Correct Writing, A course for secondary schools. Writing, book 1