Still More Distant Journeys

Still More Distant Journeys

studio blue, Chicago, Illinois, 1997


Still More Distant Journeys accompanied a show of the work of artist Lasar Segall. Segall was born in a Jewish ghetto in Lithuania, then moved to Germany and later to Brazil. At the time of each emigration, his work changed decisively in response to the new locale, culture, and popular images of that culture.

Because Segall used postcards, magazines, and snapshots as reference materials for his art, our cover repeats an image of a steamer from his postcard collection, and includes a perforated postcard that can be pulled out and used. Inside the book we continue the theme of coming from and going to: a horizontal gap divides each page, and a double collage begins each chapter—representing both Segall’s departure and destination.

Collections: 50 Books | 50 Covers of 1997
Discipline: Book design
Format: Book