• Steinweiss letterhead and envelope
  • 10 San Francisco Designers (Poster)
  • Esprit Sport Fall 1984
  • The Printing Salesman's Herald
  • Tony Palladino, letterhead
  • Graphic 4
  • Tratturi Primitivo
  • Graphic 1
  • Kromekote Blanks, sample label
  • Esprit: The Making of an Image
  • Esprit Fall 1987
  • Apple Computer Inc. Annual Report 1983
  • Gargoyles; The Loser
  • Great American Paintings
  • Calea Nero d’Avola
  • Africa
  • All the World Is Listening
  • Martin-Senour Paints, stationery
  • GlucalcĂ© al 10%
  • The Book of Books: The King James Version
  • Knapp Estate White Table Wine
  • Vita Maxima: Some Good News That Men Can Live With
  • Handing Lawson Associates, Engineers and Geoscientists
  • Hanukah Money
  • The Way Some People Die (teaser cards)
  • Champion Specification Frame
  • Esprit Spring 1986 Wholesale Catalogue