• “All Filled With College Clothes From Cox’s”
  • The Printed Word
  • 8 Automobiles, flyer and catalog
  • Annual Meeting, Standard Oil Company (N.J.)
  • “Watermelons in mid-winter?”
  • Gilbert Tompkins, blotter
  • Scope—Spring 1952
  • Interiors Book of Offices, book jacket
  • “No Pain—No Memory—No Nightmare of Fear”
  • Everett Kroeger—Photography
  • Printing for Commerce—1952 Exhibition Dinner Preview
  • Makes You Want to Go Fishing
  • To Whom It May Concern
  • Invoice
  • Exhibition, invitation
  • Moby Dick, or the Biography of a Book
  • Forty-two Engravings by Thomas Bewick
  • Christmas greetings
  • Our Inexhaustible Resources
  • We Put Stars in Their Eyes
  • Constantino Nivola, letterhead and envelope
  • Letterhead Portfolio
  • Complex/Archetype/Symbol in the Psychology of C.G. Jung, book jacket
  • The Recorder and the Transverse Plate
  • This is Canco
  • Scope—Summer 1956
  • Paragraphs on Art