• Fifi
  • Summer Islands, Ischia & Ponza
  • Don Quixote’s Profession
  • The Fisherman’s Guide to Maine
  • All the Year ’Round, A Day Book
  • Picturesque Word Origins, with Forty-Five Illustrative Drawings
  • Advertising Production Methods: Processes, Methods, and Materials with Practical Suggestions for Their Use
  • The Carta Marina of Olaus Magnus, Venice 1539 & Rome 1572
  • A Dissertation upon English Typographical Founders and Founderies
  • English Poetry of the Seventeenth Century
  • Barefoot and the Friendly Road
  • The Story of Phaëthon, Son of Apollo, Told for the Young
  • Legends of Angria, Compiled From the Early Writings of Charlotte Brontë
  • The Typographic Treasures in Europe
  • Il Libro Dell’ Arte, The Craftsman’s Handbook
  • The Time Machine: An Invention
  • Life in a Mexican Village. Tepoztlán Restudied
  • Art Through the Ages, An Introduction to its History and Significance
  • Letters from an Old Sportsman to a Young One
  • Athenian Adventure
  • Kamehameha, King of the Hawaiian Islands
  • Psalms of David
  • The White Cat and Other Old French Fairy-Tales
  • Renaissance Guides to Books, An Inventory and Some Conclusions
  • Documents Relating to New Netherland, 1624–1626, in The Henry E. Huntington Library
  • College Algebra
  • English Years