• Living Mammals of the World
  • Books and Printing. A Treasury for Typophiles
  • The Roman Breviary
  • Through Golden Windows 5 Volumes:  Fun and Fantasy (vol. 1); Adventures Here and There (vol. 2); Children Everywhere (vol. 3); American Backgrounds (vol. 4); Man and His World (vol. 5)
  • The Revelation of John
  • The Music Listener
  • John Donne: Conservative Revolutionary
  • The Age of Churchill
  • A Young Explorer’s New York: Maps of Manhattan
  • Playing It Cool
  • The Sunset Cook Book
  • Bizet and His World
  • Carta Marina: World Geography in Strassburg, 1525
  • Zen, Rocks, and Waters
  • A-V Instruction: Materials & Methods
  • Abyss
  • The Burden of Guilt
  • Richard Neutra on Building: Mystery and Realities of the Site
  • The Small House Halfway Up in the Next Block
  • Who’s Afraid?