• The Rabbit’s Umbrella
  • Modigliani
  • Grapes and Wines from Home Vineyards
  • The Condemned of Altona: A Play in Five Acts
  • A Short History of Biology
  • Conrad Aiken: A Life of His Art
  • Arturo's Island
  • On our Way, Young pages from American autobiography
  • Passionate Pilgrim: The Life of Vincent Van Gogh
  • The Wisdom of Israel
  • The Baron in the Trees
  • Iranian Art at the Oriental Institute Museum
  • The Sweet Flypaper of Life
  • The Sun and the Moon
  • The Fireside Book of Christmas Stories
  • Gregg Dictation Simplified, Second Edition
  • The Mousewife
  • The Marble Fountain
  • The Snow Goose
  • Reading Literature (Exercises to accompany Better Reading 2: Literature)
  • The Last of the Incas
  • The Illustrations from the Works of Andreas Vesalius of Brussels
  • Hippolytos
  • The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association
  • The Long Christmas
  • There’s No Place Like Paris!
  • Hill of Little Miracles