• Fathers to Sons:  Advice Without Consent
  • Haute Cuisine Without Help
  • Teachers Guide for Discussion Pictures for Beginning Social Studies
  • Interiors Book of Offices
  • The Secular Journal of Thomas Merton
  • The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone
  • My People
  • Tracy’s Tiger
  • The Earth is the Lord’s
  • Fifi
  • The House of Chan Cookbook
  • Spindletop
  • The Had
  • Film and Its Techniques
  • Westward Vision
  • Life in a Mexican Village. Tepoztlán Restudied
  • Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) in World War II
  • The Runaway Elephant
  • Illustrated Jig-Tooling Dictionary
  • The Twelve Days of Christmas Cookbook
  • Kitchen Primer
  • Three Day Pass
  • A Treasury of Satire
  • As Right As Right Can Be
  • The Art of Jewish Cooking
  • Fashion is Spinach
  • The Comanches , Lords of the South Plains