• Tunnel Cost Model, booklet
  • Lightworks, poster
  • Steam Engines, poster
  • Exhibition Two, poster
  • Logarhythms, poster
  • Open House 1969, poster
  • Open House 1969, stationery
  • Special Summer Computer Course
  • Takis Exhibition, poster
  • Tucker-Buttrick Concert, poster
  • The Libraries booklet
  • Graduate Study in Mathematics, leaflet
  • Preliminary Announcement Special Summer Programs 1963, brochure
  • School of Architecture and Planning 1861–1961
  • Lincoln Decennial Lectures, poster
  • Ralph M. Coburn
  • Fritz Scholder, poster
  • Graduation Eve ’65, announcements and stationery
  • The M.I.T. Alfred P. Sloan Fellowships in Executive Development, booklet
  • The Esthetics of Drought, poster
  • MIT Open House, poster-mailer
  • Ceramics at MIT brochure
  • Miscellaneous Motions of Kinetic Sculpture poster
  • Recent Sculpture by Ernest Trova poster
  • Don Robertson, exhibition poster
  • Voyage into Substance
  • Fourth Annual Sea Grant Lecture, poster